2024 Board

President:                                 Casey J. Watts, CFEE

Vice President 1:                     Tonette Cortez

Vice President 2:                    Shana Kounse

Vice President 3:                    Open

Secretary:                                 Sebastian G. Elizondo

Treasurer:                                Virginia Balfour

Sparks Editors:                        Kim Wolf - sparks@hpcatx.com

Membership Chair:                Kim Stoker - hpcamemberchair@gmail.com

Welcome Neighbor Chair:   Lisa and Mark Cotten






The purpose of the Hollywood Park Community Association (the “Association”) shall be to function as a non-profit, non-partisan and inclusive organization for the members of Hollywood Park, Texas for the presentation of community events and other benefits for its members and to promote public participation, cohesion and community spirit in Hollywood Park.




Membership is open to all dues-paying community members in Hollywood Park. Each individual member is entitled to one vote on matters presented to the membership for voting. The Association shall maintain a list of the membership and their addresses, phone numbers, emails or other contact information. Such membership list and contact information shall not be sold or otherwise made available for use by any person or organization other than as necessary for the activities of the Association itself. This restriction on the use of membership information does not preclude its use in a directory of the membership and other residents of Hollywood Park, which may be published from time to time by the Association.




An annual meeting of the membership of the Association shall be held during the last quarter of the year at such a particular time, day and place as shall be designated in the monthly newsletter with no less than 30 days’ notice and as may be publicized to the membership by other means.  The purposes of the annual meeting will include the approval of Officers, Chairs and Executive Board Members and a report from the Treasurer as to funds brought in, funds spent and the general financial condition of the Association. A period of time shall also be designated at the annual meeting for general comments and discussion regarding the activities of the Association. Such other matters as may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Officer and Executive Board Members may also be placed on the annual meeting agenda.


Called meetings of the Association membership may be held from time to time when deemed necessary by the President, Secretary or a quorum of members of the Board of Officers and Executive Board Members. Notice of any such called meetings shall be by publication in the newsletter of the Association and maybe publicized to the membership by other means.


At any annual or called meeting of the membership, a quorum for conducting the business of the Association shall consist of ten or more members. Members may attend and vote by vocal or written proxy.





The Association shall publish a monthly newsletter and shall deliver it to each member in a timely and economically efficient manner. The newsletter may be distributed to non-members with addresses within Hollywood Park and other interested persons, at the discretion of the Board of Officers and Executive Board Member.




Officers will assume their official duties from January to December. The Officers will serve a 1-year term. Officers will be able to make quick decisions on issues that arise and complete votes by email with a majority approval for expenses not to exceed $500. Officer positions shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses approved by the Board and indemnified against liability for acts in the course and scope of their service as officers by following the laws of the State of Texas. The Officers shall consist of President, VP1, VP2, VP3, Secretary, and Treasurer.


The Chair position will assume their official duties from January to December. The Chair position will serve a 1-year term.  The Chair Position will discuss and vote on agenda items. The Chair Position shall consist of Membership, Community, Welcome Neighbor, Directory, and Spark. Chair position shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses approved by the Board and indemnified against liability for acts in the course and scope of their service as officers by following the laws of the State of Texas.


Executive Board Members shall assume their official duties from January to December.   Executive Board Members serve a 1-year term. The Executive Board Member will discuss and vote on agenda items.  Members of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses approved by the Board and indemnified against liability for acts in the course and scope of their service as officers following the laws of the State of Texas.


Vacancies on the Board may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Officers and Executive Board Members with such persons elected to serve the remaining term until the next annual meeting. No sitting Board Member may serve as an elected official for the Town of Hollywood Park.


The Officers, Chairs and Executive Board Members shall function as the governing board of the association.  The Officers, Chairs and Executive Board Members shall meet from time to time as necessary to conduct the business of the Association, at such dates, places and times as approved by the Board. Minutes shall be kept of the votes and other pertinent activities of the Board meetings by the Secretary. A quorum for conducting business shall consist of a majority of the Members of the Board. Members of the Board may attend and vote by telephone, and the Board may meet by conference call or other similarly effective means if approved by the Board.



Coordinates/supports at least 2 events. Runs monthly meetings and supports the membership by replying to emails and calls. Supports all board members, creates and assists new events and groups. Attend at least 8 meetings. Contact for the City and Parks Department on all issues and events. Assist planning teams with sponsorship if needed.  Quickly make decisions when needed. Must have served as an Executive Board Member for at least one year.


VP1  Communication

Website, iContact, Facebook, Instagram, Next Door.  Coordinates/ supports at least 1 event. Attend at least 6 board meetings and vote when needed.  Must have served as an Executive Board Member for at least one year.


VP2  Volunteers, Donations and Event Supports.

Coordinates/supports at least 2 events. Organizes volunteers and donation lists and Signups, make sure events have support with volunteers, collect any donations if needed, support directory efforts.    Assist in communication, flyers, and presentation for the annual meeting. Attend at least 6 board meetings and vote when needed. Coordinate holiday meals for Fire and Police Dept. Must have served as an Executive Board Member for at least one year.


VP3 Governance and Accountability

Coordinates/supports at least 3 events. Support the Membership team and Sparks’s team. Collects all notes from team members. Monitors attendance of board of officers for events and meeting attendance.  Attend at least 6 board meetings and vote when needed. Run any meetings if the President is absent. Must have served as an Executive Board Member for at least one year.



Monitor financials and support teams to stay within budget. Attend at least 6 meetings and vote when needed.  Must have served as an Executive Board Member for at least one year.



Present the minutes from meetings and photos at events if possible. Attend at least 8 meetings and vote when needed.


Membership Chair

Coordinate membership drive party, collect dues, gather paper forms and an online form for database, data entry, PayPal, membership monitoring.


Community Chair

Develop ways we can give back. Develop new ideas on how the members can help and give back. i.e. food drives, senior well-checks, etc. Tie a give-back opportunity to a current event.


Welcome Neighbor Chair

Meet and Greet our new residents, educate about HPCA and HP. Attain and document all residents that are new and document all residents that are greeted by the team.  Turn in records monthly so the secretary can retain with meeting minutes.


Directory Chair

Coordinate forms, information for the directory, editing and printing the directory.


Sparks Chair

Create, collect and edit the Sparks newsletter each month.


Executive Board Member

Attend at least 3 meetings and help with at least 1 event (this can have an unlimited number of people).



Attend as many events and take photos.  Send them within 48 hours of the event to sparks@hpcatx.com.




Membership dues shall be payable each year in an amount set annually by the members, Board of Officers and Executive Board Members at the Annual meeting.




Such other provisions of the laws of the State of Texas as may be necessary for the recognition and operation of the non-profit corporate form are incorporated herein by this reference as if set out verbatim.




These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any annual or a called meeting.


APPROVED by a majority of the membership of the Association voting on NOVEMBER 2, 2019 as evidenced by the signature of the President of the Association and the Secretary.